
ENABLS will strive to promote collaboration with biodiversity and NBS-relevant projects and initiatives.
We aim to join forces, share results and actively contribute to the achievement of common goals.
NBS Academy aims to build the first Network and Academy for promoting and mainstreaming NBS in teacher education, by bringing together in-service and pre-service teachers, training providers, policymakers and NBS experts. NSB Academy will utilise for the first time in Europe the potential of NBS education as a tool in ITE (Initial Teacher Education) and CPD (Continuous Professional Development) area through its pedagogical framework on NBS teacher education which combines innovative pedagogies with European competence frameworks (GreenComp, DigCompEdu). Also, NBS Academy envisions to achieve strong cooperation between teachers and trainers from different EU countries through a comprehensive “Train the Trainer” (TTT) programme for guiding teacher trainers to design and deliver effective NBS teacher training programmes. As next step of the training programmes the project will leverage the Living Labs methodology in 6 pilot countries for co-creating joint training courses for ITE and CPD to pave the way for integrating NBS in teacher education across Europe.
REWET focuses on determining how the restoration and management of wetlands can be optimised to maximise their carbon uptake while in balance with type-specific natural processes and biodiversity. The methodologies will be tested in 7 Open Labs across Europe. REWET‘s primary outcomes will include a wetlands inventory with carbon sink potential, models predicting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sequestration under various scenarios, policy recommendations, a business model, and a replication roadmap.
NATURANCE aims to examine technical, financial and operational feasibility and performance of solutions that are built upon and combine disaster risk financing and investments with Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). The project stimulates dialogues, knowledge sharing and mutual learning across different areas of policy and practice. To do that, it will establish a “network of existing networks” by connecting existing major knowledge networks and fostering cross-domain knowledge sharing and collaborative marketplace for innovative nature-based insurance and investment solutions.

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