KomBioTa Spring Meeting

Written by: Ann-Catrin Fender

On 17th April 2024, our ᴇNᴀBʟS team met within the KomBioTa network for science and communication for our first transdisciplinary dialogue in the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart (SMNS) lecture hall. KomBioTa (Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy) is a joint venture of the University of Hohenheim (UHOH) and the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart.


More than 50 scientists from UHOH and SMNS, representatives of regionally-acting nature conservation planning agencies, science communicators and other professionals discussed about the recent research and knowledge transfer in our network focusing on the State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The 12 presented projects ranged from basic natural to applied natural research as well as social science and networking initiatives.

We used the event as an opportunity to present the ᴇNᴀBʟS project in a 5-minute pitch, discussing and spreading our project ideas, but also looking for scientists interested in our future regional living lab activities.

Our whole ᴇNᴀBʟS team had the chance to exchange with another EU-funded project, TETTRIs. A colleague from the SMNS gave us insights in this European project, which facilitates change in biological taxonomy for an improved understanding of life on Earth and generates practical and political measures and mechanisms to tackle biodiversity loss.

Within a consortium of 17 partners mainly consisting of museums, the SMNS team is responsible for looking at the landscape of recent taxonomical courses and the development of a European graduate school of taxonomy, where UHOH would be involved as well. So, we could exchange about our ᴇNᴀBʟS approaches and how we can build synergies for both projects.

Following a whole institutional approach among UHOH scientists, including one of our ᴇNᴀBʟS team members, we initiated a biodiversity assessment for the UHOH. At the meeting we looked at how we could find additional, already existing data on biodiversity monitoring at the campus and how these could contribute to the assessment.

It was great to see all the research and education activities around at UHOH and SMNS and we look forward to meeting again next year at the UHOH campus.


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