

University of Hohenheim - Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy

The University of Hohenheim is Germany’s leading university in Agricultural Research and Food Sciences. Following its mission “Sustainability and Resilience”, University of Hohenheim is not only engaged in basic research but traditionally also in developing innovative solutions for urgent societal matters, benefitting from its unique profile in the Agricultural (faculty A) and the Natural Sciences (faculty N) as well as Business, Economics and Communication Sciences (faculty W). The three above mentioned faculties of the University optimally complement each other to find holistic solutions for the major challenges of our time such as the loss of biodiversity.
Within the initiative "Integrative Taxonomy" of the state of Baden-Württemberg, ᴇNᴀBʟS will be implemented by the Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa), a joint venture between the University of Hohenheim and the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart. KomBioTa constitutes a research and communication network of over 100 scientists, which is supported by a managing director.

Wageningen University & Research

The mission of Wageningen University & Research is “to explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life”. Under the banner Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen University and the specialised research institutes of the Wageningen Research Foundation have joined forces in contributing to finding solutions to important questions in the domain of healthy food and living environment. With its roughly 30 branches, 7,600 employees (6,700 ft) and 13,100 students and over 150,000 participants to WUR’s Life Long Learning, Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading organisations in its domain. The unique Wageningen approach lies in its integrated approach to issues and the collaboration between different disciplines.

University of Eastern Finland

University of Eastern Finland is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. UEF’s high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. It offers education in nearly 100 major subjects and trains experts for tomorrow’s changing labour market needs. UEF has 3,200 employees, 16,000 degree students and 27,000 adult education students.
The university comprises four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science and Forestry, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. The two campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio.
UEF responds to global challenges through a high standard of interdisciplinary research and education. Its strategic research is focused on four profile areas:
• Ageing, lifestyles and health
• Environmental change and sustainable use of natural resources
• Cultural encounters, mobilities and borders
• Diversifying learning and interaction

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) is a leading European university in the field of sustainability. It responds to central social challenges with its expertise in the natural and engineering sciences as well as economics and social sciences and its problem-solving rather than discipline-orientated structure. Within ᴇNᴀBʟS the BOKU team consists of members of the Institute for Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning.
BOKU new
Vytautas Magnus University

Vytautas Magnus University

Vytautas Magnus University devotes special attention to international activities. Their beginnings are traced back to the time when the members of the Lithuanian Diaspora, nurturing thoughts of intellectual and cultural rebirth, started coming to give lectures in the university. Today VMU is collaborating with many universities and scientists around the world, carrying out projects, student and worker exchange, constantly improving the system of studying and research.
VMU works with many universities and scientists around the globe, implementing projects, student and employee exchanges, and improving our study and research system. It is an international and multilingual institution that continuously develops international networks and intercultural dialogues, participates in international scientific, academic and social projects, encourages lecturer and student mobility, and promotes dialogue and tolerance. VMU avoids restrictions posed by political, ideological and economic interests, treating everyone with respect and appreciation and providing the opportunity to attend courses of 30 modern and classic languages.

Association for European Life Science Universities

ICA is an open network of more than 50 universities from the EU and neighbouring countries founded in 1988.
ICA aims to enhance its members' success in education, research and innovation for a sustainable bioeconomy and society, by engaging with European and global institutions and networks, to share experience, cooperate in new ventures, and benefit from the resulting synergy.
ICA is an umbrella organisation linking different ICA Standing Committees which either have a discipline or cross discipline support focus. Moreover, ICA board is advised and supported by the “ICA European Committee” which is central to implementing “ICA Strategy towards 2030”, and two other board committees: “ICA networks for Innovation in Life Sciences Higher Education” and “Community of practice for Bioeconomy education in Europe” (ICA-Cop Bio-Edu), as well as ICA-Edu Special interest group for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in the Life Sciences.

3s Research & Consulting

3s is specialised in national and particularly European research and consulting in the fields of initial and continuing vocational education, higher education, and adult learning. With a core team of currently 13 researchers, a network of independent researchers, various experts and partner organisations across the EU and beyond, 3s analyses current educational and labour market issues through an interdisciplinary and international approach. Supporting European and international institutions such as the European Commission or the OECD, national ministries and agencies, regional governments, umbrella organisations and education and training organisations in providing appropriate conditions for working and learning, 3s have conducted a high number of studies, development and consultancy projects on the European and international education and labour market landscape over the past two decades, accumulating extensive experience and expertise in the field.

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Bio-Economy and Agri-Technology

The Institute for Bio-Economy and Agri-Technology (iBO) is one of the five Institutes of the Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CERTH). iBO focuses on the scientific field of agri-technology and the broader scientific area of bio-systems engineering under the integration of multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary specialisations and research units. At the same time, iBO's research priorities include rational environmental management and sustainability assessment of bio-production activities, while covering in detail the impact assessment in terms of environmental pollution, waste management, logistics and supply chain and sustainability analyses, shaping an analysis of how production systems could move towards a circular bioeconomy framework.

FOCUS Strategic Thinking Consultants

FOCUS STC is a business consulting firm providing innovation management and capacity building services in a number of fields, including circular bioeconomy and bio-based economy, biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions, R&D, social innovation, renewable energy sources and blue growth. Building on its extensive experience, FOCUS aspires to actively support innovation, sustainability, strategic thinking and adaptability to an ever-changing environment, putting to good use an extensive international network of multidisciplinary partners and allies, developed through years of strategic and fruitful collaborations. Company partners have considerable expertise in project management and coordination, communication, promotion and dissemination of project activities and results at local, national and international level, as well as stakeholder engagement through mutual learning, co-creation, validation and demonstration events.

IDEA Training

IDEA training is an educational and consultancy organisation active in the field of Lifelong Learning and Vocational Education and Training (VET) since the early 1990’s. IDEA training develops innovative training programmes and curricula for a wide range of young scientists, including engineers and economists. IDEA training adopts the key principles of the European Skills Agenda to enhance sustainable competitiveness and the fair dual transition to the "Digital and Green Economy”. During the academic year 2022-2023, IDEA training has delivered 7 Green Skills training programmes for more than 4,925 beneficiaries. In the year 2023-2024, IDEA provides exclusive training for 1,073 Engineers which focus on implementing a “green” dimension within the TVET framework.


BIOEAST HUB CZ is the first national bioeconomy BIOEAST HUB in the BIOEAST region established in line with the BIOEAST Governance and Roadmap and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture CZ that was established to gather stakeholders and support their engagement in bioeconomy.
BIOEAST HUB CZ is leading two macro regional Thematic Working Groups Bioeconomy Education and Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy. BIOEAST HUB CZ is involved in the H2020, Horizon Europe, BBI-JU and CBE-JU projects.

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